Canadian Modern Homesteading Information

NAFTA 2.0 Could Jeopardize The Fight Against Climate Change, Experts From Canada, Mexico, and the US Reported
The negotiation of the energy chapter within the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) hinders the fight against climate change…

Harmful Pollutants Causing Greenhouse Effect And Global Warming Were Found Over Pacific, Atlantic, And Arctic Oceans, During A NASA Research
NASA found unexpected levels of harmful pollutants over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans which are involved in the greenhouse effect…

Coral Reefs In Japan, Already Affected By Coral Bleaching, Were Killed By Unusual Low Water Temperatures
Unusual low water temperatures have destroyed some of the corals in Japan, one of the world’s northernmost corals, an official…

Justin Trudeau Talked Today About Climate Change, Gender Equality, And CETA During His First Work Visit In France
During his first official visit to France, Justin Trudeau spoke to the French Assembly today. From the climate change and…

Finland Will Prohibit The Use Of Coal For Energy Production Starting With 2029 To Combat Climate Change
Starting with the year 2029, Finland will prohibit the use of coal to produce energy. The Minister of the Environment,…

Global Warming – Canada Faces Plants And Animals Invasions And Even The American Beaver Is Endangered
Warmer winters and wetter summers not only allow new species to enter the northern ecosystem but also allow species to…

Global Warming Is Messing Up With The Food Chain, Worldwide
Global warming is interfering with the intricately synchronized dinner time of nature, which makes hungry predators and the prey that…

Climate Change And Extreme Phenomena Affect Women More Than Men, Especially in Africa
Women are more prone to be affected by climate change, according to some studies, a BBC report revealed in March….

What Diet Makes You Live Longer?
We hear all the time about wonder diets that make you live more than 100 or that make you as…

Blockchain Technology To Be Implemented By The Chilean Government In The Energy Sector
The Chilean Minister of Energy, Susana Jimenez, announced that the National Energy Commission (NEC) began yesterday, April 5th, to use…