Canadian Modern Homesteading Information

The Highest Wave In The Southern Hemisphere Was Recorded By New Zealand And Was 24-Meter High
A buoy in the vicinity of Campbell Island, just south of New Zealand, recorded a huge wave of almost 24 meters,…

Dinosaurs Tracks Destroyed At The Red Fleet State Park In Utah, Tourists Confusing Them With Rocks
Red Fleet State Park, in Utah, in the United States, triggered the alarm after tourists have caused extensive damage. Accordingly…

Panda Bears Eyes Area Turns White Due To An Yet Unknown Disease Among The Specimens In Chengdu, China
Visitors to China’s busiest pandas conservation center were alarmed to see that panda bears eyes area turns white, presenting white…

Apple Gets Involved Along With The Canadian Government In Reducing Green House Gas Emissions In Aluminium Producing Industry
Apple’s battle to reduce carbon footprint does not end with the use of 100% green energy in all its facilities….

Solar Panels Will Be Mandatory In California For Every House Built After 2020 To Combat Global Warming
California has taken another step toward becoming the greenest state in the US. The Energy Commission unanimously approved a measure…

Hawaii Will Ban Certain Types of Sunscreen – Here’s Why
Hawaii is about to make a significant decision that should help when it comes to the protection of the coral…

Ecological Corridors Are Important For Wildlife But Their Destruction Already Affects Many Species
To understand what ecological corridors are, we must first clarify what ecological connectivity is. This is the ease with which…

Insects Trapped in Amber Might Not Tell Much About The Ecosystem They Belonged To
Insects trapped in amber thousands of years ago do not tell the whole truth about what they were like and…

Global Warming Attacks Marine Protected Areas
Our oceans had a lot to suffer through history. That is why we ended up creating more and more marine…

“Zealandian Dove” Is The New Pigeon Species That Has Just Been Unearthed In New Zealand
Fossil remnants of a pigeon found on the South Island of New Zealand point out that this bird was related…