Canadian Modern Homesteading Information

Global Warming Causes Major Public Health Threats, According To WHO
The world summits in Paris, Marrakech, and Bonn have set an agenda that must be implemented by overcoming divergences in…

Ecosystem Services – What Are They And Why It Is Important To Maintain Them?
An ecosystem is a set of species, both animals and plants, that live in a certain area and that interact…

East Antarctica Presents More Seismic Activity Than Previously Estimated
East Antarctica is one of the territories on the Earth we know almost about it. If you’re asking how is…

Coral Bleaching Is Also Affecting The Marine Animals That Depend On The Corals Reefs
The several coral bleaching episodes not only affects almost irremediably the corals but also decrease the number of marine animals that…

Climate Change: The Bonn Summit Seems To Be Blocking The Already Insufficient Paris Agreement
Today, May 10th, the inter-sessional meeting bringing together representatives of the countries to discuss the implementation of the Paris Agreement…

Climate Change Benefits Some Amphibians, To Some Extent, Says A 20-Year-Long Spanish Study
After almost 20 years of monitoring the clutches and larvae of 9 amphibian species, Spanish researchers from the National Museum…

Climate Change – A Lawyer Wants Victoria To Adopt A law Against The Oil Companies Which Are Responsible For Increasing Climate Change
An environmental lawyer in Victoria wants British Columbia to follow the example of the Ontario Legislature, which is considering a…

Climate Atlas Is A New Interactive Site Presenting The Impact Of Climate Change Anywhere In Canada
A new interactive site designed by researchers at the University of Winnipeg, Climate Atlas, allows Canadians to visualize the impact…

Clean Energy Is The Solution Against Climate Change But There’s A Lot Of Work To Do In This Direction
The main objective of the Austrian World Summit, held this month in Vienna, was to highlight the need for leadership…

Canadian Researchers Found An Hydrocarbons-Eating Bacterium Capable Of Cleaning Oil Spills
Scientists from the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) in Quebec have discovered, among many similar microorganisms that consume hydrocarbons,…