Canadian Modern Homesteading Information

Air Pollution Is The Cause Of One In Seven Cases Of Diabetes, A New Study Reveals
According to a study released Saturday, air pollution reduces insulin production and causes inflammation, preventing the body from converting blood…

Good News For Mars Colonization – Wind Power Could Work On Mars
In conditions that mimic those on Mars, researchers from the Aarhus University in Denmark and Boston University’s Center for Space Physics tested…

Plague-Infected Cat From Idaho Makes People Take Unprecedented Measures
As it was confirmed by laboratory tests, a cat from Elmore County in southern Idaho was infected with the plague….

Enormous Mass Of Hot Rock Is Shaping Up Underneath Northeastern America
An enormous mass of hot rock is shaping up in the undergrounds, under Northeastern America, according to a new study….

Machine Learning Could Benefit Climate Prediction And Help The Fight Against Global Warming
A significant challenge in current climate prediction models is to precisely depict clouds and their global warming and humidification, as…

US to Get more Biodiesel and Bio Jet Fuel with the Help of Bioenergy
Rogue will build energycane, a bioenergy crop, which we got from sugarcane, and Miscanthus to deliver the oil that is…

Global Warming: Storing CO2 Underground Would Be Safe For 10,000 Years
The Paris Agreement signed in 2015 established a pledge to cap the global warming to a maximum of two degrees…

The Most Ancient Frogs Captured In Amber 200 Million Years Ago, Discovered In Myanmar
A new study, recently issued in the Scientific Reports journal, talks about the discovery of the most ancient frogs ever…

Alaskan Oil Companies, Hit By Global Warming, Use Cooling Tubes To Freeze The Ground To Reach Oil Fields
The global warming is not easy to defeat, and now Alaskan oil companies know it better than anyone. By following…

Archaeologists Unearthed 111 Children Sacrificed By A Chimu Civilization, A Pre-Inca Culture, In Peru
A new excavation carried out in northern Peru by a research team, financed by the National Geographic Society, has found…