Health And Wellness

The “Clean Eating” Movement Might be Harmful for Your Health Reveal Specialists
Eating healthy is something that we all should attempt to do, but nowadays it has turned more into a trend….

Science Shows that Pasta is Not As Bad for Your Diet as you May Think
Most diets out there go on and on about how pasta is perhaps one of the worst food that one…

Amazon River Toxicity – Arsenic and Manganese Found In Large Quantities In The Drinking Water In Amazon Basin
Drinking water from wells dug in the Amazon Basin to cope with river pollution contains arsenic levels sometimes up to…

How to Take Care of an Autistic Child
Since this is Autism Awareness Month we found it necessary to write about how mothers with children suffering from autism…

All You Need to Know about the Hair Transplant Journey – The Overall Experience
My hair loss issues have unfortunately begun when I was still in college, at about 21 years old. You can…

Should We Carry Naloxone Everywhere With Us?
For over 10 years, the U.S. Top health spokesperson has not issued another warning. That changed a month ago when…

Could Legal Recreational Marijuana Be A Solution To The Opioid Crisis?
Latest studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association are in favor of cannabis legalization. It seems that…

Discussions in Canada About Voluntary Anesthesia
It looks like one of the main topics of discussion in Canada is about voluntary anesthesia. The topic is a…

A Wireless Sensor Attached to One Tooth to Track What You’re Eating?
A sensor that is attached to the teeth will connect wirelessly to a smartphone and will send information on the…

A Unique Case Where Having a Stroke Helped a Woman Survive
It is a rare moment to be saved from something worse by a stroke. However, for a 60 year old…