Environment And Climate (Page 3/11)

Prehistoric Humans Survived Extreme Climate Change About 11,000 Years Ago, A New Study Reveals
Prehistoric humans continued their usual life about 11,000 years ago despite an extreme climatic event in the last Ice Age,…

Plastic Waste Is Too Huge To Be Solved Out By Banning Plastic Straw, Scientists Say
Cities and governments seek to ban plastic straws and plastic cotton buds in the hope of solving part of the…

New Pattern Of Climate Change Revealed Major Anomalies In Greenland And Amazon Temperature Oscillations
Dario Zappala, a researcher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, in Spain, has discovered a new pattern of climate change…

Nanotechnology And 3D Printers Employed To Develop Collectors For A Better CO2 Capture
The European CARMOF project, working on new methods of reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, is up for employing…

Global Warming Forces About 690 Marine Species To Migrate To Deeper And Cooler Waters
Approximately 690 marine species have moved into deeper, cooler seawater environments as a consequence of global warming which caused seawater…

Global Warming Causes Major Public Health Threats, According To WHO
The world summits in Paris, Marrakech, and Bonn have set an agenda that must be implemented by overcoming divergences in…

Ecosystem Services – What Are They And Why It Is Important To Maintain Them?
An ecosystem is a set of species, both animals and plants, that live in a certain area and that interact…

Coral Bleaching Is Also Affecting The Marine Animals That Depend On The Corals Reefs
The several coral bleaching episodes not only affects almost irremediably the corals but also decrease the number of marine animals that…

Climate Change: The Bonn Summit Seems To Be Blocking The Already Insufficient Paris Agreement
Today, May 10th, the inter-sessional meeting bringing together representatives of the countries to discuss the implementation of the Paris Agreement…

Climate Change Benefits Some Amphibians, To Some Extent, Says A 20-Year-Long Spanish Study
After almost 20 years of monitoring the clutches and larvae of 9 amphibian species, Spanish researchers from the National Museum…