Canadian Modern Homesteading Information

A Cold Rainy Spring Spells Trouble For Farmers In New Brunswick
“Of course, as we do, plants are a bit cold,” says co-owner of the Farm Shared Earth in Rogersville. She…

Space X Has Been Accused By NASA For Threatening Astronauts’ Lives With Its Load-And-Go Technology
Specialists are worried about Elon Musk’s groundbreaking SpaceX new tanks fueling and discharging systems (Load-And-Go), which may threaten the lives…

Sea Monsters Sightings That Became Viral On Social Networks
In recent days, a famous vlogger on YouTube platform published a video showing 5 alleged sea monsters sightings that were…

Scientists Plan To Use Genome Sequencing On All Species Living On Earth To Create The Largest DNA Database
Experts estimate that there are between 10 and 15 million eukaryotic species of plants, animals, and fungi on Earth but most…

Parkes Radio Telescope, In Australia, Gets A “Bionic Ear” Equipment Which Will Hear More Of The Universe
New radio telescope technology deployed at the Parkes radio telescope facility, in Australia, will permit astronomers to monitor a wider…

NASA’ Webb Observatory Needs More Time Until it Will Be Ready
The James Webb Space Telescope is the next ambitious project that NASA is working on. The telescope is almost ready,…

NASA Released A GIF Showing A So-Called “Ghost” On Jupiter Captured By Juno
The series of images were taken during the tenth approach of the probe to the planet. NASA has shared some…

NASA’s HAVOC Mission Plans On Flying Humans Over The Clouds Of Venus
For over 50 years, the US human space program directed by NASA has fluctuated around two major objectives, namely, to…

NASA Hubble Space Telescope Has Taken A Stunning Image Of The Omega Centauri Globular Cluster
NASA Hubble Space Telescope captured a stunning panoramic image of 100,000 space objects residing in the nucleus of a giant…

Massive Dust Storm On Mars Strikes NASA’s Opportunity Rover
A massive dust storm on Mars was observed from the orbit by the NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, as reported by the…