
There are multiple realities, according to the new quantum physics experiment
A new study deduces that there could be multiple realities at the quantum level, which would explain a concept that…

The deepest points of the ocean contain radioactive carbon from nuclear bombs
A new study published in Geophysical Research Letters has revealed that the radioactive carbon released by the 20th-century nuclear bomb…

Scientists have examined images of Pluto
Until the New Horizons spacecraft flew past it in 2015, humanity had very little knowledge about this body, and many…

“Ghostly” Dwarf Galaxy In The Vicinity of Milky Way, Discovered By Astronomers
An international team of astronomers examined the data from ESA’s Gaia satellite and revealed a “ghostly” dwarf galaxy lurking outside…

Water Plume On Europa – It Took 20 Years For NASA To Observe That Galileo Probe Flew Through A Geyser
On December 16th, 1997, the Galileo probe had crossed in full throttle above a probable water plume ejected from the…

The Fastest Water Heater – An X-Ray Laser Heats Water To 100,000 Degrees In Only 75 Femtoseconds
A powerful X-ray laser was employed to heat water from the ambient temperature to 100,000 degrees Celsius in under one-tenth…

The Earth Will Slow Down On July 6th When This Year’s Aphelion Astronomical Even Will Take Place
On July 6th, the Earth will cross its furthest point from the Sun in its 2018 orbit around the host…

The Acceleration of The Universe Might Be Explained By A Fifth Dimension, A New Study Says
Using a non-traditional approach, a group of Mexican and Chilean scientists has generated their own model on the acceleration of…

Supermassive Black Hole Observed While Emitting A Jet Of Material After “Eating” A Star
Scientists from the Spanish National Research Council and the University of Turku (Finland) have for the first time observed the…

Super-Neptune Planet Was Found By Indian Astronomers Orbiting A Sun-like Star
Scientists from the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India, have identified a new exoplanet, a super-Neptune planet, situated at 600 million…